Setup a Telegram integration

Receive live events in your favourite Telegram channel

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    Create a telegram channel

    1. Make a new telegram channel or use one where you are admin.
    2. Get the channel id following the instructions here: 

    Your channel id is XXXXXXXXXX. Keep it for later.

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    Create a bot

    • Enter @Botfather in the search tab and choose this bot. Click “Start” to activate BotFather bot.

    • Choose or type the command /newbot and send it. Choose a name for your bot — your subscribers will see it in the conversation. And choose a username for your bot — the bot can be found by its username in searches. The username must be unique and end with the word “_bot”

    • After you choose a suitable name for your bot — the bot is created. You will receive a message with a link to your bot<bot_username>, recommendations to set up a profile picture, description, and a list of commands to manage your new bot. Copy the bot token
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    Invite the bot to your channel

    Click on the channel name, then on "Subscribers", then om "Add subscriber". Search for your bot name and add it as an admin. You can leave the default rights to the bot

    Invite the bot to your channel
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    Add Telegram info in the app

    Copy the channel id and bot token in the app. Click on "Test your Telegram setup". You should receive a message confirming the integration works.
    Save the destination and select it.

    Add Telegram info in the app
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    Name your broadcast and start it

    You will now receive the events live in your telegram channel. Woot!

    Name your broadcast and start it
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